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Top 3 Interesting Facts About Cameroonian Economic Conditions

Cameroon's diverse cultural people

Cameroon is a nation of passionate people who mix different cultures and societies’ traditions. There are about 250 different ethnic groups in Cameroon, and people speak about 270 different languages and accents. Cameroon’s economic conditions are not much better. They are facing hurdles due to poverty, and their living conditions also need improvement. Even though its people face a lot of problems, they have a strong sense of resolve and hope. Here are the top 3 interesting facts about Cameroonian economic conditions.

Current Cameroonian Economic Conditions

In 2023 Cameroon’s economic improvement slowed down from 3.6% in 2022 to 3.3% GDP. Real GDP growth in 2023 was thought to be around 4% until the start of 2024. However, the most recent national accounts for the last two quarters of 2023 showed a marked deceleration in growth.

Cameroon’s place on the world’s economic map is both exciting and thought-provoking. The country has a gross domestic product (GDP) of $38 billion, which puts it at number 98 in the world. But its economy is the 15th biggest on the African continent. The country’s GDP per person is $1,400, putting it in 152nd place globally. The weaker growth is affecting the primary, secondary, and tertiary sectors. These numbers tell us a lot about Cameroonian economic conditions and significant problems.

Rays of Economic Hope

Despite the tough economic times, there are still signs of hope. In the years 2004 through 2008, there was an important change in the economy. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita has grown at a steady rate of 4% per year, which is impressive since the average rate around the world is 2.6%. The jobless number has gone down to 4.24%, which is good news. Due to the Cameroonian economic conditions being poor, it is still a problem, especially in the rural areas. 

That’s why when people go abroad to earn money and support their families back home they create hope of a quality life. Cameroonian expats work hard abroad and try to send every penny back home to their families. For them saving money and using it at the right time is significant.

The Role of Migration

Migration from other countries is one of the most interesting parts of Cameroon’s social and economic life. Remittances have become very important for the four million Cameroonians who live outside of Cameroon. In 2010, Cameroonian refugees sent back more than $148 million, which was about 0.8% of the country’s GDP. From just $11 million in 2000 to $148 million ten years later, these numbers have steadily gone up. This shows how much people rely on transfers and can benefit from them.

Role Of Remittance

Send Money to Cameroon  via Remit Choice

Remittances are significant and cannot be emphasized enough. More than just numbers, they show how the Cameroonian community stays connected to their home country. These funds help protect the money of the people left behind. This is also a chance to invest in local businesses and projects, which could lead to growth at the local level. Send money to Cameroon via Remit Choice the best cash transfer service across the world to strengthen Cameroon’s economy. Remit Choice offers reliable online funds transfers at high exchange rates with no hidden charges.


Cameroon is at a crossroads. Even though Cameroonian economic conditions still have many problems, there is a steady flow of change driven by economic policies, the spirit of its citizens, and remittances, which are vital lifeblood. There are many positive developments happening such as high school attendance rates, low unemployment, and child labour. These and many other positive changes create hope for Cameroonians that the country can be on the list of emerging nations by 2035.